Happy weekend, ya'll! So many things have been going on lately in my world of art. One of the bigger developments is that I've been expanding the platforms on which you can find my work. I thought I'd use today's post to update folks on where you can find my paintings and art-related items.
Etsy: Yes! I'm back to where it all started. In late December I decided to hop back on. If you are more comfortable with the interface on Etsy, I encourage you to check out my store. As a note, everything that's listed on Etsy is also available through my website's store; however, not everything on my website's store is on Etsy.
Fine Art America: One of the exciting developments is that I've signed up for FAA. This platform allows you to purchase other items featuring my artwork that will be dropshipped to you. This includes prints, blankets, pillows, phone cases, shower curtains, etc. These items are *not* on my website, but I'm looking into adding a shopping cart widget for seamless transition. Check out my store to see what I have!
Farwell Gallery: The McFarland, WI gallery is now officially open and is selling a number of my paintings, prints, and cards. You can check everything out here.
My website: Of course! This is the hub where you can find all of my pieces, gifts, prints, etc. I'm really excited for some of the new things that will be popping up here in the next few months. One of the areas I'll be looking to show and offer (other than original pieces) is the "gifts" section. I'll also be looking to offer new prints and notecards in the spring. So stay tuned! If you aren't signed up for my email list, I highly recommend it as you'll get the latest updates that way. Once you are on my home page, a pane should pop out and you can enter your email address, and it's all done. Easy peasy.